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Here at Florida Kitchen Facelifts we are here to give you the kitchen of your dreams at a fraction on the price and time. We do this by leaving your existing cabinets in place and either re-painting or re-facing your kitchen. If you choose to do either a reface or repaint you can expect to pay 1/3 to 1/2 you would on a brand new kitchen as well as taking on average 1 week and in some cases only a few days apposed to months. We also offer finishing services.  

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Refinishing is where we will come in and paint your existing cabinets. Remove your doors and take them back to our shop to be properly prepped and finished. When Refinishing your kitchen there are a few steps we go through to ensure a long lasting durable finish. 


Refacing a kitchen is a bit more in depth with more options. Here we will replace all doors with a door of your choice as well as replacing all finished ends and faces of your cabinets.  Finish choices are unlimited with a re-face. 

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Custom Cabinetry

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